Collect attendee information with Soapbox Events and save it to Salesforce

With the recent release of Soapbox 2.2.20, we’ve added a number of enhancements to the Soapbox platform, focusing in large measure on expanding the power and flexibility of Soapbox Events, our online event management tool that integrates with Salesforce.

The big ticket item, so to speak, is the ability for Soapbox Events to collect attendee information. Now Soapbox administrators can request or require that end users registering for an event provide the name and email address of each of the attendees for whom they are reserving tickets - with that attendee information saved directly to Salesforce.

Find out more about this and other new functionalities we've dropped into Soapbox by checking out the full post on our Solutions Center. Or, if you're interested in learning more about how you can manage events online and integrate them with Salesforce, hit us up!