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for nonprofit Salesforce users

Get the most important questions, ideas, and updates from the Salesforce Nonprofit Trailblazer Community delivered to your inbox every week with the PUB Crawl Newsletter.

"The PUB Crawl is the *best* way for nonprofits to quickly keep up to date with what's going on with the Nonprofit Success Pack."
- Mary Pustejovsky, Salesforce.org

"Need a fix for FOMO in the Power of Us Hub? The PUB Crawl will make sure you don't miss a thing."
- Cat Monaghan, Common Voyage

"Loving the PUB Crawl! In minutes I'm able to take the pulse of the community's needs, helping me better serve my clients."
- Margo Mayes, Salesforce.org

"Absolutely delightful. Like any good pub crawl, it will leave you warm, tipsy and just a little bit unsteady on your feet."
- Alicia Schmidt, Salesforce.org